Democratic Labour Party (Brazil)

Partido Democrático Trabalhista - PDT, " Democratic Workers' Party - is a center-left party in Brazil, located in the federal capital, Brasilia. Since 1986, the party belongs to the Socialist International.

The party considers the Carta de Lisboa ( " Karta of Lisbon" ) of 17 June 1979 as its founding. In the Tribunal Superior Eleitoral of Brazil was officially registered in 1980. As the founder of the party is Leonel Brizola (1922-2004), a leader of the resistance against the military junta that staged a coup in 1964 is essential to power and ruled the country until 1990 considered. Current party leader is the former Labour Minister Carlos Lupi from Rio de Janeiro, in 2004, took office after the death of Brizola.

The party feels generally by Getúlio Vargas, João Goulart, Darcy Ribeiro, Alberto Pasqualini, Doutel de Andrade, Abdias Nascimento, Neiva Moreira and Manoel Dias represents and undertakes their ideas.

Carlos Lupi
