Demonstration sport

Olympic demonstration sports were competitions and demonstrations as part of the Olympic Games, which were not official Olympic competitions. Most of them were sports that should be tested and then later Olympic disciplines were (baseball, taekwondo, tennis, curling, badminton ) or sports, expect a large attendances whose regional interests let ( Pelota in Mexico City and Barcelona). Sometimes sports were included only as a demonstration event in the program because no uniform international association existed ( freestyle skiing ).

The IOC has set at its meeting in 1989 in Puerto Rico, that after 1992 no demonstration sports are played.

A special case are the first Winter Games: The 1924 International Winter Sports Week was conducted in Chamonix, a subdivision in official sports or demonstration sports was determined neither the IOC nor the organizers of the event. Declared only when these competitions in 1926 retroactively to the Olympic Games, this problem presented. The subsequent distinction was often controversial, the curling competition until 2006 (!) Was declared an official Olympic competition. Competition in the military patrol is generally regarded as a demonstration sport.
