Dettmers Bach

The Dettmers stream in lowland area in Pavenstädt

The Dettmers Bach is an orographic right tributaries of the upper Ems in North Rhine -Westphalia, Germany. It has a length of 5.3 km.

River course

The Dettmers Bach produced at the edge of the western settlement of gravity from Gütersloh on the territory of the former peasantry Pavenstädt and flows from the west.

The water then passes through the pastures and wet meadows east of Pavenstädt before south of Gütersloh Airport on the left side a nameless water discharges from the sewage Pavenstädter. About 1.3 kilometers to the west flows the brook Dettmers right side in the Ems, which forms the border city against Herzebrock- Clarholz in this section.


The Dettmers Bach is a typical lowland stream of Emssandebene with a low average bed slope of 2.1 ‰ and a correspondingly low flow rate. The creek crosses almost exclusively dominantly agricultural terrain. In some areas, the river bed has been expanded to meadow drainage, in these sections is a rather grave -like character of the watercourse predominant. The Dettmers Bach was last examined in 2009 to his saprobiellen state and reached a result consistent quality.
