Deutsches Ärzteblatt

The German Medical Journal, founded in 1872, is an official organ of the medical profession and is published by the German Medical Association ( the Association of State Medical Associations ) and the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians. It appears in German Physicians -Verlag GmbH (founded in 1949) in Cologne and is the highest-circulation publication.

The German Medical Journal is sent to all doctors in Germany, making it the largest circulation medical journal in Germany ( 2010, about 408,000 copies a week). The German doctors sheet is not funded, as is often erroneously assumed by the association contributions of physicians, but on the revenue through advertisements. In addition to specialized review articles and original papers, it also contains unable political information. In the display section to find medical jobs and practice offerings and advertisements of training and further education, travel, practice organization and other cities.

All articles of the newspaper are freely accessible since 1996 in full text via an archive. This open - access journal thus competes with potential authors.

Since 2007, the German Medical Journal regularly organizes conferences for young physicians / interior about job and career opportunities in various German cities.

Since 2008, the scientific articles also appear in English in the online journal Deutsches Ärzteblatt International.
