Devil Bones

Death comes as called ( Devil Bones ) is the eleventh mystery novel of the American author Kathy Reichs. He was released in 2008 by Scribner publishing house, the German translation of Klaus Berr also appeared in 2008 in Karl Blessing Verlag.


Dr. Temperance " Tempe " Brennan must investigate the basement of a newly sold house in Charlotte (North Carolina), in which a plumber has discovered a hidden basement room. This basement includes a plethora of occult objects, including a skeletonized skull and femur of a young woman. Shortly after their salvage a headless torso of a young man is found on Lake Wylie, the satanic characters were scratched. A Christian fundamentalist County Commissioner ( comparable to a district in Germany ) sought to exploit the situation politically and polemics in the media against sects and dissenters. Brennan is drawn through their participation in the investigation into a media smear campaign.

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  • Death is caused as in the use of a scanning electron microscope described above, the fine cross-sections of the femur are examined. In the book, the term scanning electron microscope is used.
  • In the novel, various sects and new religious movements are described. Among them, for example, Voodoo, Wicca, Santeria and Brujeria.