
With Dexiosis (Greek δεξίωσις, Dexiosis, welcome ' to δεξιόομαι, dexioomai, (someone ) give the rights ' of δεξιός, dexios ' right', latin dextrarum iunctio, the joining of rights ', plural: Dexioseis ) is in the visual arts, the representation of two to denote those who reach out to another ( right) hand.

The Dexiosisreliefs of Commagene, which show the local rulers during handshake with gods were known. Also from Roman grave stelae are known Dexiosisreliefs showing the deceased with the spouse. Similarly, Dexiosis representations found on ancient coins, where they are, for example, show the connectedness of two cities by the handout of the rulers. But there are already Dexiosis images from an earlier period, such as a vase paintings known.
