Diapensia lapponica

Diapensia lapponica

Diapensia lapponica is a flowering plant in the genus Diapensia in the family of Diapensiaceae.


Diapensia lapponica is an evergreen, forming dense lawn, herbaceous plant that grows up to 6 inches high. The standing in groups leaves are leathery, 5-10 mm long, inversely egg-shaped spatulate and rounded at the tip.

The inflorescence stems are 5 to 40 mm long and usually wear a bract and two bracteoles. The latter are just below the flower. The calyx lobes are about 5 mm long and dull. The petals are up to 10 mm long, are inversely egg-shaped and white in color. The stamens have wide, flattened stamens.

The fruits are ovoid, about 4 mm long capsules.

Occurrences and locations

The species is found in Arctic Europe and extends north into the Scottish mountains to a latitude of about 56 ° 40 'north, in Norway to about 60 ° N. It grows in crevices and rocky soils.
