Diathesis (medicine)

A diathesis describes in medicine, the tendency of the body to a particular disease or a particular symptom. In contrast to the disposition are designated diathesis only tendencies to disease of a specific organ system.

Special forms are:

  • Atopic diathesis - genetic tendency to atopy
  • Allergic diathesis - a tendency to allergies
  • Angioneurotic diathesis - tendency to disorders of the vascular regulation
  • Exudative diathesis - inflammatory skin diseases with fluid secretion or conditions with an increased blood vessel permeability and formation of transudates
  • Hemorrhagic diathesis - increased risk of bleeding
  • Uratische diathesis - tendency to gout
  • Thrombophilic diathesis (syn. thrombophilia ) - tendency to form blood clots
  • Pathophysiology