
Dictys, (Greek Δίκτυς, the network man) is in Greek mythology, a fisherman on the island of Seriphos and brother of King Polydectes, which is determined by Perseus as his successor.

This happens because Dictys one hand, Perseus and his mother Danaë out of the box (or ark ) rescued when she was flushed on Seriphos ashore and both took up with him, on the other hand, because in the absence of Perseus it - this had offered Polydectes to bring the head of the Gorgon Medusa - Danae had protected from the snares of his brother.

Karl Kerényi brings the two disparate brothers - or half-brothers on the common mother - in a close relationship, because Polydectes is " the multi - receiver ". What one fished out of the sea, gets the other. Dictys opposes in case of Danae, however - and eventually increased from Perseus.
