Diebold Schilling the Younger

Diebold Schilling the Younger ( * before 1460, probably in Haguenau, † November 3, 1515 () in Lucerne? ) Was a Swiss historian in the tradition of Swiss Illustrated Chronicle.

He was the son of Hans Schilling, the older brother of Diebold Schilling the Elder, who wrote the chronicle of Bern. From 1479 Diebold was the younger notary in Lucerne and, from 1481, also a priest. Unlike his uncle, he was a rather scandalous and colorful character. 1487 he has been banned from Lucerne Council in the Tower, deprived of his benefice, and two years later released after he promised to behave honorably and priests in the future. But even after he was involved in all sorts of Handel, and after an overnight brawl that ended with a homicide, he was obliged by the Council to pay a fine and the payment of an annual Requiem Mass for the victims.

His chronicle, called Lucerne Chronicle, he presented to the Council on 15 January 1513th Politically tended Schilling in the vicinity of the Habsburg Maximilian, who personally invited him in 1507 to the Diet of Constance.

Pictures from the Lucerne Chronicle

Federal Oath of Zurich to representatives of the Confederation in 1350

The Bishop of Genoa traveled to Zurich to recruit mercenaries for Milan / Arrest by Jörg Supersaxo in Lucerne

Carnival dance in Schwyz
