Dieter Rübsaamen

Dieter Rübsaamen ( born August 24, 1937 in Wiesbaden ) is a German painter and printmaker.


Rübsaamen grew up in Maxsain in the Westerwald, and made a law degree. Until 2000, he worked full-time as an administrative lawyer. Since 1957 he is also active as an artist. Since 1962 he was present at approximately 100 exhibitions at home and abroad. In 1990 he received an art scholarship from the city of Bonn. His last major exhibition was in 2005 at the Goethe -Institut Bonn in cooperation with the Bonner Kunstverein. Since 19 August 2007, he is in the artists forum Bonn under the title of the Invisible listen - groups of works from 1957 to 2007. The German city of Bonn honored him in 2008 for his life's work by awarding the August Macke Medal.

Rübsaamen lives in Bonn.
