
The gerbils ( Dipodidae ) are a family of rodents, which is characterized by prolonged hind legs.


All species have elongated hind legs, but the degree of this extension is very different. The Hüpfmäuse have great similarity with rights mice, whereas a gerbil in the manner of a kangaroo jumps on strong hind legs. The body length is between 4 and 26 cm, added 7 to 30 cm tail. The tail is always longer than head and body together. As nocturnal animals, gerbils have conspicuously enlarged eyes and ears.


The range extends from central Europe and North Africa via the temperate and arid zones of Asia to China. There is also gerbils, although with very few species in North America.

Way of life

The Hüpfmäuse live mouse style in forests and scrubland. You walk on four legs. If they escape, they can perform it until long to 2 m sets. At night they look for berries, seeds and insects. During the day they hide in the undergrowth or dig small tunnels.

In contrast, the real gerbils larger animals that are adapted to arid regions of the Old World. After Känguruart they can jump on their hind legs up to 3 m wide. The long tail helps keep balance. Even in normal locomotion using the gerbils mostly just their hind legs. In contrast to the Hüpfmäusen they build extensive tunnel systems that they close during the day to let the heat out and the moisture inside.

In North America, where there are " real" gerbils are only Hüpfmäuse and not to have a parallel development, the unrelated but similar kangaroo rats emerged.


The fact that the gerbils are monophyletic, is not questioned. However, they are sometimes divided into several families. Grzimek's animal life, the rights of the mice similar forms into a family of Hüpfmäuse ( Zapodidae ) and only the kangaroo -like jumping on its hind legs forms the jumping mice ( Dipodidae ). Shenbrot 1992 differed even four families, and several authors have in turn made ​​other subdivisions. Note that this summary to a family and divided into seven subfamilies follows Wilson & Reeder. Either the Sicistinae or Zapodinae are at the base of gerbils.

  • Sicistinae Birch mice ( Sicista )
  • True Hüpfmäuse ( Zapus )
  • Chinese Hüpfmäuse ( Eozapus )
  • Waldhüpfmäuse ( Napaeozapus )
  • Five toe dwarf jerboas ( Cardiocranius )
  • Three-toed dwarf jerboa ( Salpingotus )
  • Balochistan dwarf jerboas ( Salpingotulus )
  • Comb -toed jerboa ( Paradipus )
  • Long-eared jerboa ( Euchoreutes )
  • Raufuß - jerboas ( Dipus )
  • Lichtenstein gerbils ( Eremodipus )
  • Gerbils ( Jaculus )
  • Thick -tailed gerbils ( Stylodipus )
  • Horses Springer ( Allactaga )
  • Bobrinski - jerboas ( Allactodipus )
  • Fat -tailed gerbils ( Pygeretmus ), including the Erdhasen ( P. pumilio )