Disciplinary council

A Disciplinary Board, formerly the church court, is a disciplinary institution of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints ( Mormons).


The Disciplinary Board shall meet when any member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints accused of a serious violation within the meaning of the Church's moral. This may result in acquittal, disfellowship or excommunication.


This council is composed of the bishopric ( a bishop and two counselors ). The negotiations shall be closed to the public.

A serious violation of the Aaronic priesthood holders is adjusted by the bishop alone, a melchisedekischer priesthood, however, must clean up with the Disciplinary his transgression. Should the priesthood holder in the temple already received his endowment ( = ability ), it must necessarily before the council ( = stake level ), as sacred temple covenants have been broken.


The line of disciplinary proceedings taken over by the local and competent priesthood holder (usually a bishop or stake president ). He is the Chairman of the proceedings, has the power of decision and appreciates its discretion the evidence. The disciplinary procedure is recorded by a scribe, however, shall not engage in the negotiation happening. Even before the first hearing, the Chairman informed the accused under four eyes of his rights and the charges that will be laid to his charge. Also, he is informed of the possible consequences that may have a verdict for its membership. Thereafter, the accused is asked in the courtroom and the transaction is opened with a prayer free. Subsequently, the defendant chooses an advocate who speaks during the whole time for him, even during the period of his absence.

Usually taught at that time the accused those present concerning his transgressions. Maybe, but also an indictment is read. Usually in this case, it does an authorized by the chairman Present priesthood holders. Now, given the defendant the opportunity to comment, which is widely restricted in such a way that he should either admit or deny the violation of the allegations. Should the accused the charges repel, the chairman to submit the evidence before it begins.


Approved evidence are: oral or written testimony from members of the church (where it should be noted that non-members are generally not accepted as witnesses, since they usually the disciplinary proceedings of the Church does not recognize ), certificates and the confession of the accused. The accused will be given the opportunity to question the witnesses. If several witnesses involved in the process, so they can talk before and after the hearing not to each other through their statements and the facts. Witnesses must as the negotiating room to wait until they are called into another room. There is no compensation for expenses that has possibly a witness by the statement.


The Chair must ensure that the process ablauft in gesittetem tone and does not lead to disputes. This is to be ensured that the witnesses and the accused should be made no unnecessary questions that have nothing to do with the facts. If the evidence is clear, the president and his advisers draw back to the verdict. The Chairman has the power of decision and the verdict. If it contradict a consultant and be of a different opinion, it is discussed with the aim to find a unanimous verdict.


Subsequently, the defendant is informed of the judgment. If a probation with conditions, disfellowshipped or even excommunication be pronounced, the chairman declares the accused all the consequences for his membership in the Church. Next he gives him advice on how he can atone for his sins. If the person guilty spoken still be in possession of a temple recommendation certificate, it must leave this immediately. The transaction is terminated with a free prayer indeterminate content.

An excommunication is often pronounced in these facts:

In apostasy, the spreading of false teachings and criticizing church leaders on the excommunication is often a last resort. As a rule, initially preceded by a disciplinary warning. An affected member is then first regularly punished with the disfellowshipped so-called, which can be canceled at repentance ( repentance ) again.
