Districts of Kuwait

This is a list of cities in Kuwait.

By far the largest agglomeration in the State of Kuwait is Kuwait City with a population of 2,388,688 (as of 1 January 2005). Thus 94 percent of the country's people live in the capital region. Largest city in Kuwait is Dschalib as- Schuyuch with 179 264 inhabitants. The capital lies with 32.403 inhabitants at number 18 of the largest cities of the country.

The following table contains the cities of over 20,000 inhabitants, whose name in German transcription and in Arabic, the results of the Census ( Census ) of 20 April 1995 and 20 April 2005. Listed is also the government, to which the city belongs. The population figures are based on the city or town in its political boundaries, without politically independent suburbs.
