
Długopole -Zdrój ( German Długopole ) is a small resort in the powiat Kłodzki in the Province of Lower Silesia in Poland. He belongs to the municipality Bystrzyca Kłodzka ( Habelschwerdt ), of which he is seven kilometers away to the south.

Geography and environment

Długopole -Zdrój is located in the south of the Glatzer boiler. Its location in the Valley of the Glatzer Neisse on the edge of Habelschwerdter Mountains offers a healthy climate and a relaxing landscape. It is located approximately in the middle between the villages Długopole Górne and Długopole Dolne.


Długopole was until 1945 a district of Lower Langenau, which was already known in the 14th century. The first mineral spring of Długopole was discovered during the construction of a Alaunwerkes 1563, however, a Kurbadebetrieb did not begin until 1802. 1876 a second source was found and in 1909 a third drilled. The carbonated springs also contain thorium and radium. They are prescribed as drinking and bathing cures for heart and vascular diseases, as well as nervous disorders. The radium also containing bog has proven itself in the treatment of rheumatism and gout.

The territory of the later bath was until 1839 owned by the City Habelschwerdt and was thereafter until 1945 been in private possession. The frequent changes of ownership were detrimental to its economic development, so that it could not achieve the notoriety and size of the other Glatzer bathrooms ( Altheide, Landeck, Kudowa, Reinerz ).

As a result of the Second World War fell Długopole 1945 - as almost all of Silesia - Poland and was renamed Długopole -Zdrój. The German population was expelled in 1946. The new residents were themselves partly expellees from eastern Poland. 1975 to 1998 belonged to the Province Wałbrzych Długopole -Zdrój.


  • Park with old trees
  • Spa and bath house and pump room

