
The Dodentocht, also called skull march, is a 100 - km hike, which will be held in the Belgian community of Bornem and the surrounding area. The march is held annually in August.


The Dodentocht is celebrated in Bornem and the surrounding area as a folk festival. Occur each year more than 10,000 walkers and runners on the march. Depending on the weather, the success rate is 40-60%.


The aim is, 100 km by moving within 24 hours. A placement does not take place, since the motivation of Dodentochts is not the rapid attainment of the goal, but the achievement itself.

The distances between the stations reduce out towards the target. The march starts at 21.00 clock in Bornem and officially ends 21.00 clock in Bornem, but unofficially the march does not end until 21.30 clock, since cross the starting line at the large number of participants, the last only about 30 minutes after the starting gun. Otherwise you would the rear starters " steal " 30 minutes from the permitted 24 hours.


Upon reaching the destination you traditionally received a pineapple as a refreshment and a bottle of local beer, the pineapple, however, was replaced in 2011 by a gladiolus. In the organization tent is then the instrument containing, inter alia, walking times between stations, directly printed out and handed over the medal. Since 2012 there is no longer gladiolus, but a spice cake ( eingefolt and provided with the Dodendocht icon) in addition to the obligatory bottle of beer.

In the medal it is not a government conferred the Order, such as the Nijmegenmarsch. Therefore, in Germany the Medal of Dodentocht may not be the uniform worn (eg police, armed forces, etc.).

