Dolphin and Union Strait

Geographical location

The Dolphin and Union Strait lies between the mainland of Canada and Victoria Iceland, which is part of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago -. It connects the Amundsen Gulf in the north- west with the Coronation Gulf in the southeast. The south-eastern end of the Strait marks the Austin Bay.

The Inuit who live in the area, known as the Copper Eskimos, Copper Inuit, or as the "people of the end of the world".

There are several islands in the strait. They include Liston and Sutton Iceland Iceland, which historically represent the home of Noahonirmiut strain the Copper Inuit.

The strait has a length of about 210 km. Its width varies 26-65 km.

In spring, when the strait is still frozen, barren-ground caribou crossing, known as " Dolphin and Union " herd, this, to go to the Victoria and Iceland to spend on this summer. In the Straits can be observed eiders.

In recent decades, the winter ice thickness decreased progressively in the Straits.

Arnott Strait | Barrow Strait | Bellotstraße | Coronation Gulf | Crozier Strait | Danish Strait | Davis Strait | Dease Strait | Desbarats Strait | Dolphin and Union Strait | Evans Strait | Fisher Strait | Foxe Channel | Franklin Strait | Frozen Strait | Fury - and - Hecla street | Goldsmith channel | Hall basin | Hendriksen Strait | Hudson Strait | James Ross Strait | Jonessund | Kennedy channel | Lancaster Sound | Larsen sound | McClintock channel | McDougall sound | Melvillesund | Nares Strait | Parry channel | Peel Sound | Penny Strait | Pullen Strait | Roes Welcome sound | Queen Maud Gulf | Prince Regent Inlet | Robeson channel | Simpson Strait | Sir William Parker Strait | Smith Sound | Sverdrup channel | Victoria Strait | Viscount Melville sound

  • Strait in Canada
  • Strait ( Arctic Ocean)
  • Geography ( Nunavut )