Dome A#Observatory

- 80.36666666666777.354100Koordinaten: 80 ° 22 '0 "S, 77 ° 21' 0" E

The Plateau Observatory, short Plato, is a remotely controlled observatory in Antarctica. It was put into operation in 2008 on the plateau Dome A in 4100 meters above sea level.

The observatory was developed at the University of New South Wales. The construction took place under the guidance of scientists from the Polar Research Institute of China. The station has a weight of seven tonnes. It consists of seven telescopes, including four from the People's Republic of China with a diameter of 14.5 cm. In summer the observatory of solar cells is supplied with energy in the winter with diesel engines, which are supplied with 4000 liters of diesel. Monitoring data are transmitted over the Iridium system. There are particular variable brightnesses of stars to search for planets are observed.
