Donalda (Alberta)

Donalda is a village in the Canadian province of Alberta. It was founded in 1911 and is named after Donald A. man (or according to other sources after his niece ), a co-founder of the Canadian Railway Company (Canadian National Railway ).

In the early years fought the town in central Alberta ( Aspen Country Region ) with its somewhat ill-chosen location, built on a swamp main road had to be filled in with earth again and again. Nevertheless, Donalda developed into a regional trading center, but lost by the progressive consolidation of rural towns and the laying of the railway line again soon influence.

Donalda calls itself Canada's capital of lamp because the local museum exhibits including a collection of over 850 lamps from three centuries, mainly kerosene lamps. Since July 2000, it is also home to the largest oil lamp officially the world, a lighthouse -like building with a height of 12.8 meters ( 42 feet ) and a width of 5.2 meters ( 17 feet ) at the base.

Sons and daughters of the town
