
Dordabis is a settlement in the region of Khomas, Namibia. Dordabis is in a Trockenflusstal ( Rivier ) south of the ridge Grimm back, around 75 kilometers south-east of Windhoek.

Dordabis part of the constituency of Windhoek country and can be reached via the main road C23. To the north lies the Arnhem Cave.


The surrounding area of Dordabis is considered the center of the Namibian Karakulschafhaltung. In 2013, an iron ore mine to be put into operation in the immediate vicinity of Dordabis. In open pit approximately 1.8 million tonnes of ore to be won there then every year. In addition, about 600,000 tonnes of magnetite and hematite are to be obtained. The local farmers fear in this respect an increase in informal settlements and excessive exploitation of the local groundwater reserves.


In Dordabis there is a prison. There, 2002 82 Angolans were imprisoned without trial from July 2000 to December, which had been taken up as alleged members of the marauding in 2000 in the far north of Namibia band of Jonas Savimbi and interned there. The long-term fixing of Angolan nationals without charge caused repeated for international criticism, especially on the part of human rights organizations. In addition, the prisoner could not be proved beyond doubt the crimes committed. Thus took place shortly before Christmas 2002 for their release and immediate deportation to Angola. At least four prisoners were by then already deceased on the transport of prisoners or the prison of Dordabis.


Since 1984 there are in Unna the "Friends Dordabis / Namibia". This organizes exchange visits and support the community in a number of projects such as the construction of a church, the production of school uniforms, the system of gardens and the maintenance of a student 's home.
