Doubleband surgeonfish

Circle Spine Surgeonfish

The circle Spine Surgeonfish ( Acanturhus tennentii ) is a species of the family Acanthuridae and belongs in this subfamily of the scalpel to surgeon fish.


The circle Spine Doctor fish lives in the western part of the Indian Ocean, where it is spread from the coasts of East Africa via the Maldives to the island of Bali. He keeps on preferred over stony ground before coral reefs and can be observed there in a water depth of 3 to 20 meters.


Like all types of Doctor Fish also has the circle thorn surgeonfish a laterally flattened body is longitudinally oval in shape. The body color is a gray- beige to olive. The length of the body is up to 30 cm.

Clearly visible is the blade located on the root of the tail, also called " scalpel " which is lifted by a blue to blue- black ring from the rest of the body color. As with the authentics surgeonfish ( Acanthurinae ) usual, the scalpel is movable and applied to the body at rest. The scalpel is not associated with any muscles of the circle Spine Surgeonfish therefore can not raise actively. Instead, they are passively raised by tail beats each of the outwardly curved ( concave ) side of the caudal peduncle at an angle of about 80 degrees.

The name derives from the circular mandrel surgeonfish are also very eye-catching black spots that have an almost semi- circular in shape and are located behind the eyes.

Form of life

The circle Spine Doctor Fish Doctor Fish is one of the species that feed mainly on algae.
