Dragsholm Municipality

Dragsholm Commune was until December 2006 a Danish municipality in the former Vestsjællands office in the northwest of the main Danish island of Zealand. Since January 2007 she is with the former municipalities Trundholm and Nykøbing - Rørvig part of the newly formed Odsherred municipality.

Bjergsted | Diana Lund | Dragsholm | Fuglebjerg | Gørlev | Hashøj | Haslev | Holbæk | Hvidebæk | Høng | Jernløse | Kalundborg | Korsør | Nykøbing - Rørvig | Ringsted | Skaelskoer | Slagelse | Soro | Stenlille | Svinninge | Tornved | Trundholm | Tølløse

  • Danish municipality (1970-2006)
  • Odsherred community