Dresdner-Cetelem Kreditbank GmbH

Cetelem (French Compagnie pour le financement of équipements électro - ménagers - Company for the Financing of electrical household appliances) is a banking group. Cetelem is a subsidiary of BNP Paribas, which has specialized since its foundation in 1953 to consumer credit.

The Cetelem Bank is headquartered in Levallois -Perret in the Île- de -France region. CEO François Villeroy de Galhau since 2003. Since 1999 Cetelem Bank was integrated into the BNP Paribas.

Cetelem Bank worldwide

In 1966, the Cetelem SA has gone to the Paris Stock Exchange. Cetelem is founded from 1984 to 1998 numerous foreign subsidiaries. It is now in 17 countries in Europe and represented 10 countries around the world. She has over 30 million customers and over 23,000 employees worldwide.

Cetelem France Banque

The Cetelem Bank in France offers financing rates for Carrefour, Conforama, Gate, Ikea, Tryba, Midas, but also for banks, insurance companies and car dealers.

BNP Paribas Personal Finance

In July 2008, Cetelem Bank has a collaboration with UCB, a specialist in real estate loans in Europe decided. Both form the BNP Paribas Personal Finance, a specialist for automotive, consumer, consumer and real estate loans.

Dresdner -Cetelem credit bank

In 2001, the Cetelem Bank acquires 70 % of the WCF bank in Munich and founded the Cetelem Bank in Germany. In 2005, the Dresdner Bank acquires (as Allianz SE subsidiary ) a share of 49.9 percent, while the Cetelem Bank still owns 50.1 percent. There is a name change in Dresdner-Cetelem credit bank GmbH. Through the merger of Dresdner Bank and Commerzbank shareholders shares of Dresdner Bank were transferred to Commerzbank AG in May 2009. Beginning of June 2010 there is a change of name to Commerz Finanz GmbH.
