Drinking game

A drinking game is a playful part of the drinking culture, in which defined by rules, that at certain times certain quantities of alcoholic beverages are to drink by certain players. In some drinking games will also specify who must order or pay for these drinks ( while playing in a restaurant ).

Drinking games can be dangerous because of peer pressure through the game to encourages the participants to drink alcohol in large quantities.


The oldest verifiable drinking game is the well-known already in ancient Greece Kottabos, had involved the skill which subsided with increasing enjoyment of wine, be taken with a targeted swing out of the cup items.

Game species

Many drinking games, there is little in modified form with different names.

Certain random drinking games

The candidate who has to pay the next round or the next drink liquor is determined by chance. For this purpose, dice, serve lots, playing cards or attached under the small liquor bottles numbers.


One candidate - usually a newcomer to a group - must perform a certain ritual. This is often in the recitation of a award, which is accompanied by special gestures. On error, he must drink a schnapps for punishment and start over. To make matters may be added that the candidate must develop the exact path of the ritual through careful observation. If he makes a mistake, he is stopped. The ritual is brought before him again, but without pointing out his mistake.

Skill Games

The aim is to perform a specific skill task. Here, each player in turn must try his luck. This task can consist, for example, to meet with a coin in a few yards away glass or throw a pack of cigarettes so that these remains are in a certain position. The next in the series following player must surpass the score of the player's gone before. If he does not make this, he must drink. Who will reach the target, may determine the next candidate who has to drink a brandy. Another variant determines that everyone must drink, the misses that goal.

Sports Games

Here the drinking of alcohol in the context of a sporting activity is practiced. The most popular game of its kind in the German-speaking area of the box is running, in which a team of two carrying a case of beer over a distance of several kilometers, and has to drink all the bottles before reaching the finish line. A variant in English-speaking countries is the beer mile ( beer mile), in which participants run a mile and need to drink a can of beer before each of the four rounds.


  • Liar's Dice - chance and skill game
  • Shock - Random and skill game
  • Looping Louie - Skill game
  • Beer Pong - Skill game
  • Edward Forty Hands


In English we mean by Drinking games in the broader sense that category of games in which not a single winner, but a single loser is determined, then just the other players to the next round must pay drinks. Many children's games, such as Black Peter are likely to arise in such simple games of chance.
