Duck Soup (1927 film)

  • Stan Laurel: James Hives
  • Oliver Hardy: Marmaduke Maltravers
  • James Marcus: Colonel Blood
  • Stuart Holmes: Servant
  • Madeline Hurlock: Lady Tarbotham
  • William Austin: Lord Tarbotham
  • Bob Kortman: Sheriff

Easy Prey (Original Title: Duck Soup ) is a short film comedy from 1927 with Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy in the lead roles. The premiere took place on 13 March 1927. The film presented the second collaboration of the later duo Laurel and Hardy dar.


James Hives and Marmaduke Maltravers are tramps. Through a newspaper article is posted that all tramps are recruited from the local sheriff for a forest fire - fighting. To escape this work, the two flee in a stolen bike and hide in the home of a wealthy colonel, who is on his way to a safari and has instructed his servants, his home for the time of his absence to rent to third parties. However, this would be a nice weekend for the time being and can prepare the house for the time being vacant, with note on the front door. So Hives and Maltravers have free course and it can have a good time in the house of Colonel. However, people come in soon and find no note on the front door, as this was taken in front of hives. The two tramps decide to pose as a colonel and maid to do justice to the situation. This works well for the time being until the correct Colonel returns to fetch forgotten utensils. This is furious at the spectacle and pulls out his gun to the strangers thus to drive them out of his house. Ultimately, it remains Hives and Maltravers not spared, in humid weather to clear the forest fires.


Duck Soup was born 20 September-2 October 1926, was filmed partly due to the corner Culver Boulevard and Main Street in Los Angeles, California. The film is Stan Laurel's Sketch Home from the Honeymoon basis, the latter had written at a young age under his real name Arthur Stanley Jefferson. The summit Sketch has also been used as the basis for the 1930 Laurel and Hardy film Another Fine Mess. Duck Soup is in the history of the duo is a special case in that they occur for the first time as a team in a movie.

In Germany, the short film was never shown in the movies and once shown as a segment on TV. He first appeared in 1995 on a German video film. This is likely to be in it to establish that the two-act already disappeared shortly after its premiere and was only rediscovered in 1974 in Europe. It represented a major difficulty to restore the surfaced film roles, among other things had to be partially redesigned the headers and subheads. However, this did not concern only Duck Soup, but a number of other films Laurel and Hardy from the 1920s.
