Dudum siquidem

Dudum siquidem is a papal bull issued by Pope Alexander VI. , Which was released on September 26, 1493. In the bull previously conferred privileges to the Spanish and the Portuguese royal family are summarized in the main thing.

Historical Background

After the expeditions of Christopher Columbus ( 1492), the Spanish were interested in the scheme of zoning, especially as the Portuguese king had declared discovered by Columbus areas and islands to the Portuguese possession. This led Pope Alexander VI. intervene. 1493 has been adopted in rapid succession several bulls, the Pope wanted thus complicate other countries territorial claims in the "New World ".

Donation bull

The Bull Inter caetera I. from May 3, 1493 was a gift from Bulle to the kings of Castile and Leon, the Pope gave them the discovered and conquered islands and countries, with the requirement to send missionaries to the New World in the West.

Demarcation line

The second bull had the same name as the previous donation bull (Inter caetera II ), it has been promulgated on 28 June 1493 but backdated to May 4, 1493. To context repetitions of the first bull he now led a two hundred miles west of the Azores and Cape Verde from the North to the South Pole fixed separation zone (see figure ). This bull has now received a papal discovery order, which had to be approved but for other states by the Spanish king. With a disregard for the Pope announced an automatic excommunication.

Privilege of extension for Portugal

The third bull Eximiae devotionis, which was also backdated to May 3, 1493 Advanced Alexander VI. privileges on the explored by the Portuguese territories to the coast of Africa. The right to enslavement of the Gentile nations, however, was not granted, as the crusading spirit had replaced the Great Commission.

Confirmation to the mission

A mission order was then with the Bull Piis fidelium of the Castilian crown again explicitly granted.

Dudum siquidem: Summary and mediation

Finally took Pope Alexander VI. now with the Bull " Dudum siquidem " all previously expressed privileges together. Input he went into the precursor bulls, he praised the Spanish and Portuguese kings as faithful men and reminded again of the rights conferred by, any jurisdiction, power, and authority. He urged the Spanish and Portuguese king to take this gift and assured them of the support and the succession to all areas to. He underlined the full and free power and complete authority in the areas mentioned above. To those who violate these Official transfer, whether knight or a clergyman, he threatened the excommunication.
