Dümpelfeld–Lissendorf railway

The railway line Dümpelfeld - Lissendorf was a non-electrified branch line in today's Rhineland- Palatinate. Only when Ahrdorf station ( Ahr) led the route in 1946 a few kilometers over the territory of North Rhine -Westphalia.


The railway line was planned together with the railway line Junkerath - Weywertz ( Vennquerbahn ) in 1900 as a strategic railway line to connect the Ahrtalbahn with the Eifel circuit. The actual construction began in April 1909 On 30 June 1912, the 44 km long route was opened, the track section Dümpelfeld -. Abzw Insul as a single-track branch line, the stretch Abzw Insul - Juenkerath as a double-track branch line. Construction costs totaled $ 13.2 million Mark.

Except during the two world wars became the route never a supra-regional importance, so she was temporarily operated in simplified branch line service.

At the end of the Second World War, many bridges were blown up by the Wehrmacht, then rested the traffic. The rebuilding went on for several years, until 1948 could the line can be used consistently again. The section Lissendorf - Juenkerath was shut down and dismantled after 1945, directed the traffic on the parallel Eifel circuit. Henceforth, the remaining distance was only a single track, the second main track was dismantled as reparations.

Passenger Dümpelfeld - Lissendorf was posted on June 3, 1973, the freight Dümpelfeld - Hillesheim (Eifel ) on 30 September 1973 was subsequently dismantled the track. The remaining portion Hillesheim (Eifel ) Lissendorf was finally shut down in late 1982 and later dismantled.

On the back sections built Insul - guilt and Dorsel - Fuchshofen today runs a railway line bike path, the Ahr Cycle Route.

Pictures of Dümpelfeld–Lissendorf railway
