
49.4136116.766667232Koordinaten: 49 ° 24 ' 49 "N, 6 ° 46' 0" E

Location of Düppenweiler in Saarland

Parish Church of St. Leger in Düppenweiler

Düppenweiler is a district ( municipality ) in the municipality Beckingen district Merzig- Wadern ( Saarland). Until the end of 1973 Düppenweiler was a separate municipality. Düppenweiler is the largest area of ​​the municipality of Beckingen.

  • 3.1 partnerships



The location is away from the Haustadter valley at Kondeler Bach. The main part of the village is located on this river, only a small portion is located in 1,6 km distance from the town center on the Litermont.


The annual rainfall is 832 mm and is in the upper third of the detected by the measuring points of the German Weather Service values ​​. 69 % indicate lower values. The driest month is April; most rains in December. The wettest month falls about 1.5 times more rain than in the driest month. The seasonal fluctuations in precipitation are in the lower third. In only 16% of all places in the monthly rainfall varies less.


The village was first mentioned in 1153 under the name Villari. The name Düppenweiler appears for the first time in 1335 as Duppinwillre. Excavations confirm that the verbal part Düppen is due to a former pottery, which is why the inhabitants partly somewhat jokingly refer to as "pot urbanites ". After the French Revolution the church Düppenweiler came to the French Mairie Hüttersdorf in Canton Lebach and 1816 finally the Prussian mayoralty Haustadt.

As part of the Saarland administrative and territorial reform the then independent municipality Düppenweiler was assigned on 1 January 1974 the municipality then newly Beckingen and has since become a district and a district.

From 1985 to 1993, the center has been redesigned.



Düppenweiler maintains a partnership with the French place Étain.

Culture and sights

  • Historical copper mine pit Düppenweiler
  • Parish Church of St Leger
  • Valentinuskapelle
  • The "That parent Stone ": The western part of Düppenweiler spell consists of red sandstone. The fact that parent stone is one of the few places where open-minded of red sandstone and the rock formation outcrops and is not covered by gravel and clay layers.
  • The Quarry "The Brig"
  • The "gray stone ", a volcanic monolith.
  • Litermont Tell - way


  • Blandine Merten (1883-1918), beatified nun ( "Sister Blandine " )
  • Elfriede Müller ( * 1956 ), writer, actress and translator