Dusky dolphin

Dusky Dolphin

The Dusky Dolphin ( Lagenorhynchus obscurus ) is a very sociable and playful dolphin, which is found in the coastal waters of the southern hemisphere. For the first time described him the British whale researcher John Edward Gray. Genetic analyzes indicate he is very closely related to the Pacific white-sided dolphin ( Lagenorhynchus obliquidens ), but his status as a separate species, the scientists agree.


Black dolphins reach a body length of up to 2.1 meters and a mass of about 100 kg, the size within the individual populations can vary greatly. The largest specimens are found in the coastal waters off Peru. The dorsal coloration of dolphins is between dark gray and black, with their fin contributes to the leading edge of the same color, at the trailing edge, however, is much brighter; the throat and belly are light gray to white. On each side, a white stripe runs from the back up to a wide, light gray spot on the tail. Between this spot and the strip remains a characteristic, thorn -shaped portion of the dark back color, by which this species is always visible. Otherwise, they can be confused with any other species of its genus due to large similarities.


Black dolphins live in the coastal areas of South America in the area of Chile, Peru, Argentina and the Falkland Islands, on the west coast of Africa off Namibia and South Africa and on the east coast of New Zealand. In addition, can you find them Wales and various islands of the southern oceans even in Tasmania, New South. You can travel long distances and should be done but not from regular walks.

Threat and protection

The number of still living black dolphins is unknown, from a hazard is not considered. An estimate of the Animals of Patagonia in the 1990s resulted in a regional population of about 7,000 animals.

On the coast of Peru, the Black dolphins are hunted with harpoons and used commercially, especially as bait for the crab fishery. This yearly several thousand animals are killed. Outside of Peru is the main threat to the dolphins of death in fishing nets in which they can become entangled and drown regularly. The number of accidents has decreased, since trawling was largely prohibited.

Due to their acrobatic "Arts " and the playfulness of the Black dolphins are among the most popular destinations of Walbeobachtungstouristen ( whale watching ), especially in front of Kaikoura, New Zealand, where tours can be also used for the observation of sperm whales.
