Dust 514

Dust 514 is a massively multi-player first-person shooter for PlayStation consoles, which plays in the EVE Online universe and was developed by the CCP Studio in Shanghai. The game was announced on 18 August 2009 with a short preview with unrendered shots at the Game Developers Conference in Cologne and published on May 14 world by 2013. It is the first game that CCP Games has developed since EVE Online.


The game features player-controlled ground fighting in battles on planets in the EVE Online universe. The battles can decide who controls the different planets in the EVE universe. Here, interact DUST 514 players with the players in the EVE universe by offering mercenary services. In an interview conducted by Simon Carless of Gamasutra, Petursson said that EVE Online and DUST community merge with each other and so the two worlds can be bridged. Furthermore, partnerships between the flight -oriented nature of EVE Online and the infantry - oriented nature of DUST will arise; he literally said: "while the fleet does the flying, the infantry does the dying" (German: " while the fleet is flying, the infantry will die "). According to Game Informer, this is a new challenge in testing their FPS skills for fans and players of EVE Online. This kind of networking of computer gamers and console gamers is so far in the industry a novelty.

Game content

On the EVE Online Fanfest 2009 Speech was announced that DUST 514 will linked with EVE Online through phased implementation strategy at certain points during the term of both games during the keynote. Every game is, however, regardless of expiration.

The players have no classes like in Battlefield, but place specializations firmly by its decision. Customizable vehicles use a high -medium- low slot system and are available to all players, much like the space ships in EVE Online. Furthermore, it is possible to build turrets. During the matches, there is a "Commander", which uses an RTS -like perspective. The planets are divided into districts, and introduced to the EVE - Online Update Tyrannis Planetary Interaction plays with DUST a role in the sovereignty system of solar systems in EVE Online. Thus, DUST 514 players offer the alliances in EVE as a mercenary and secure by planetary conquests the sovereignty of a solar system.
