Dwarf sheet spider

The ground spiders ( Hahniidae ) are a family of small spiders. Worldwide 235 species have been described in 26 genera.

Appearance and Body

All ground spiders are small, the largest maximum of three millimeters in size. They are easy to recognize, despite their small size to their spinnerets. These are arranged in comparison to the relatively large and spider in a horizontal row.

Lifestyle and deposits

Ground spiders build small blankets networks between stones, moss and small hollows in the ground. The spider run while hunting on the net and apparently build no shelter. They occur both in humid environments as well as in drier forests. Ground spiders are found worldwide.

Genera and species

In Central Europe, ten species occur in two genera. The most important are:

  • Hahnia (C. L. Koch, 1841) Hahnia montana ( Blackwall, 1841)

The membership of the genera Cryphoeca and Tuberta to the family of ground spiders is debatable.


Pictures of Dwarf sheet spider
