Earl Hanley Beshlin

Earl Hanley Beshlin ( born April 28, 1870 in Conewango, Warren County, Pennsylvania, † July 12, 1971 in Warren, Pennsylvania ) was an American politician. Between 1917 and 1919 he represented the State of Pennsylvania in the U.S. House of Representatives.


Earl Beshlin attended Warren High School. After a subsequent study of law and qualifying as a lawyer, he began to work in this profession. At the same time he proposed as a member of the Democratic Party launched a political career. Between 1906 and 1906 he was elected District Council ( Elected Burgess) in Warren County; 1914 to 1918, he served there as prosecutor. Beshlin was also a supporter of Prohibition.

After the resignation of Republican Orrin Dubbs Bleakley deputies he was as a common candidate of the Democrats and the Prohibition Party in the due election for the 28th seat of Pennsylvania as his successor in the U.S. House of Representatives in Washington DC chosen, where he took up his new mandate on November 6, 1917. Since he has not been confirmed in 1918, he could only finish the current term in Congress until March 3, 1919. During this time, ended the First World War.

Between 1919 and 1935, Earl Beshlin member and later chairman of the Education Committee in Warren County. He then worked in hospital administration. He died on 12 July 1971 at the age of 101 in Warren.

Pictures of Earl Hanley Beshlin
