Economic Policy Institute

The Economic Policy Institute (German: " Economic Policy Institute " ), abbreviated EPI, is a non -partisan, non-profit think tank in Washington. Associated with the center-left politically, it has set itself claims to aim to influence public debate in order to develop strategies for a prosperous and socially just economy.

EPI was founded in 1986 as the first institution in the United States founded with the purpose to bring the interests of the lower and middle classes in the economic policy. The founders were Jeff Faux, first President of the EPI; the economist Barry Bluestone of Northeastern University; Robert Kuttner, columnist for Business Week and Newsweek and editor of The American Prospect; Ray Marshall, former U.S. Secretary of Labor and a professor at the LBJ School of Public Affairs, University of Texas- Austin; Robert B. Reich, former U.S. Secretary of Labor and professor at Brandeis University and economist Lester Thurow of the MIT Sloan School of Management. Jared Bernstein, a member of the Institute since 1992, was created by Joe Biden, Vice - President of the United States, elected in December 2008 as Chief Economist and Economic Policy Advisor.

The main research areas are the living and labor market conditions of the U.S. population, the relationship between state and economy, foreign trade under the conditions of globalization and education. Thus, the macro- economist John Irons in a recent paper on the long-term consequences of the economic crisis aside, if this will not prevent controlled politically. Nobel laureate Paul Krugman said, as the economic stimulus measures by the government were insufficient, from additional employment policy measures, such as the EPI proposed job creation tax credit.

More Releases

  • 2010: John Irons / Josh Bivens: Government Debt and Economic Growth, EPI Briefing Paper # 271



  • Website of the Economic Policy Institute
  • Think tank in the United States
  • Lobby organization (United States)