Eden (Wyoming)

Sweetwater County


Eden is a census -designated place in Sweetwater County, Wyoming, United States. The population is 388 inhabitants.


According to the United States Census Bureau, Eden has an area of ​​67.0 square miles ( 173.6 km ²). This 173.6 square miles consist of 99.96 % ( 173.5 km ²) of land masses and there is only 0.1 km ² water surface.


According to a census in 2000, the city is home to 388 residents, 142 households, and 110 families. At a 2.2 square kilometers thus come people. 97.16 % of the population are white, 1.55% are Native American, 0.26 % are other races, and 1.03% have multiple origins.

Distribution of households

Of the 142 households 51 ( 35.9 %) had children under the age of 18 years. 69 % were married couples living together. 6.3% were single women and 22.5% presented cohabiting couples without children.

Age distribution

The average age is 37 years.

Income distribution

The average income for a household was $ 52,625 per year ( 4385 per month), and the median income was $ 55,833 for the families per year ( 4652 per month). Males have a median income of $ 46,000 per year ( 3,833 per month), whereas women per year earned an average of only $ 20,250 ( $ 1,687 per month). The per capita income was $ 18,392. About 15.5 % of families and 17.6 % were below the poverty line, including 29.2 % of. Among 18 -year-old, but none of the over-65s

  • Location in Wyoming
  • Location in North America
  • Sweetwater County