Edoardo Chiossone

Edoardo Chiossone ( born January 20, 1833 in Arenzano, † April 11, 1898 in Tokyo ) was an Italian etcher.


From 1847 he took over for eight years at Raffaele Granara at the Accademia ligustica in Genoa lessons in etching. He made both engravings and etchings. During his studies, he received several awards for his work, including copies of Renaissance masters. The Academy has some archived on what is now part of the attached museum. His cousin Domenico Chiossone, also an etcher, was 1860 Italia artistica o Galleria di out capolavori italiani disegnati ed incisi dai quadri originali esistenti nelle varie città whose illustrations the two anfertigten. Text author was David Chiossone.

He was as oyatoi gaikokujin loaded to Japan and was appointed in 1872 as Director of the Government Printing Office Ministry of Finance in Tokyo. In 1888 he produced the official portrait of the Emperor Meiji. Chiossone collected Japanese art, which he left to found a museum with the mission of the city of Genoa. Opened in 1905 as the Museo d' Arte Orientale Edoardo Chiossone.

Chiossone itself is situated in the area of ​​foreigners at Aoyama Cemetery in Tokyo buried.


Official Portrait of the Emperor Meiji, Conté crayon drawing of Chiossone

Banknote with stitch Chiossones which is supposed to represent the ruler Jingū
