Edoid languages

The edoiden languages ​​(or the Edoid ) form a subunit of the West Benue - Congo, Benue - Congo, a branch of languages ​​, which in turn belong to the Niger - Congo.

The approximately 25 edoiden languages ​​are related relatively closely with the eponymous Edo ( Bini ); they are spoken by about three million people in Central and Southern Nigeria.

Position of Edoid within the Niger - Congo

  • Niger - Congo Volta - Congo Southern Volta - Congo Benue - Congo West Benue - Congo Edoid

Internal classification

  • Edoid Delta: Engenni (20 thousand), Epie (12 thousand), Degema (10 thousand)
  • Southwest: Urhobo (550 thousand), Isoko (320 thousand), Okpe (10 thousand), Uvbie (5 thousand), Eruwa
  • North Central Edo Esan - Ora: Edo ( Bini ) ( 1 million), Esan (200 thousand), Emai - Iuleha - Ora (100 thousand)
  • Yekhee - Ghotuo: Yekhee (275 thousand), Ghotuo (10 thousand), Uneme (5 thousand), Ivbie - Okpela - Arhe (20 thousand), Ikpeshi (2 thousand), Ososo (5 thousand), Sasaru - Enwan - Igwe (4 thousand)
  • Osse: Iyayu (10 thousand), Uhami (5 thousand), Ukue (6 thousand), Ehueun (5 thousand)
  • Okpamheri: Okpamheri (30 thousand), Okpe - Idesa - Akuku, Oloma
  • Aduge: Aduge (2 thousand)