Edoms Hundred

The Edomsharde (Danish: Edom Herred ) was until 1634 a local government district in North Friesland, of the southeastern part of the island beach - are around the area of ​​the Northern Peninsula beach - included. The island was in the Burchardiflut under in 1634. North joined the Beltringharde, the Pellwormharde west, east the Southshore Goes Harde lying on the mainland and south of the Lundberg Harde on.

The main town of Edomsharde, Rungholt, was lost in the Second Marcellus. Although some land could then be recovered and some churches were built, but more often the dikes had to be shifted inland. 1615 the parish was Brunock ausgedeicht after it was not for three years managed to fix the attacked from Heverstrom dike and the church was broken down. Of the remaining eight parishes of Edomsharde remained after 1634 left as the only Odenbüll with the still existing St. Vincent 's Church on North beach. Hersbüll, Evensbüll, Trindermarsch, Gaikebüll, Stintebüll, Irgrof and Buphever went to the Burchardiflut under or were so badly damaged that it had to be abandoned in the years that followed. 1642 Lost Harden were officially disbanded.
