Édouard Pichon

Edouard Pichon (* June 24, 1890 in Sarcelles, † 20 January 1940 in Paris) was a French psychoanalyst, linguist and grammarian.

Life and work

Jean -Baptiste Edouard Pichon received his doctorate in medicine with the Thèse Le rhumatisme cardiaque évolutif et son traitement, Paris 1924. He was a founding member and 1939 President of the French Society for Psychoanalysis and a medical doctor and psychiatrist. Pichon was the son of Pierre Janet. Ideologically, he belonged to the circle around Charles Maurras and the Action Française.

Together with his uncle Jacques Damourette (1873-1943) he began in 1911 with 21 years as a linguistic layman the largest ever written French grammar. Till 1956 in seven volumes and an index volume to 4549 pages under the title Des mots à la pensée Essai de grammaire de la langue française (Paris 1927, 1930, 1931, 1933, 1934, 1936, 1949, 1952, 1956, 8 vols Paris 1968-1983 ) appeared. Their value lies in the large number of analyzed samples from all centuries and style levels, including the contemporary spoken language, but is diminished by one of the authors of newly forged esoteric terminology, in which the user must be incorporated first.

Other works

  • Contes couleur de moi, Paris 1926
  • Details of the titres et travaux scientifiques, Paris 1933
  • Temps et idioms. La voie linguistique d' exploration du problème psychologique du temps, in: Recherches philosophiques 1935-1936, pp. 196-233
  • Le Développement de l' enfant et psychique de l' adolescent, évolution normal, pathology, traitement. Manuel d' étude, Paris 1936, Paris 1947 2nd edition, 3rd edition Paris in 1953, 1965
  • (along with Suzanne Borel Maisonny ) Le Bégaiement, sa nature et son traitement, Paris, 1937, 2nd edition 1964, 3rd edition 1971, 4th edition 1976
  • A l' aise dans la civilization. Trois conférences pour l' Institut de psychanalyse de Paris, Paris 1938