Eduardo Brenta

Eduardo Brenta ( born February 8, 1959 in Montevideo) is a Uruguayan politician.

Brenta belongs to the wing Vertiente Artiguista the Frente Amplio and in 1989 was co-founder of this political sector. He studied at the Law Faculty of the Universidad de la República. This study he had to interrupt during the time of the Uruguayan dictatorship because he was imprisoned for six years for political reasons. From 2000 to 2005 he was a member as an elected representative of the Junta Departamental de Montevideo, whose chairman he was from July 2003 to July 2004. He also sat in front of traffic and Transportation Commission and also had the Vice - Presidency of the Comisión de Relaciones y Cooperación held. In March 2005, he moved as an elected representative in the Uruguayan Cámara de Representantes. Here he was, among others, first as a member and in 2007 Chairman of the Finance Committee. Since 1 March 2010, he was in the government of President José Mujica Minister of Labour and Social Security. End of December 2013 laid Brenta left office, to prepare for the coming election campaign and was replaced in that position by José Bayardi.
