Eduardo Fajardo

Eduardo Fajardo ( born August 14, 1924 in Meis, Pontevedra; civil Eduardo Martinez Fajardo ) is a Spanish actor.


Fajardo's began in 1942 as a double his acting activities; His first feature film role was in a listed Heroes del 95 (1947). Between 1953 and 1963 he lived in Mexico; after his return to Spain he was for his roles in numerous spaghetti westerns known, but acted in movies of all genres, including many Gialli and adventure films and was mainly seen in later years in television series.

Fajardo's distinctive appearance and palpable screen presence often made ​​him the character roles of bandit chiefs or make, but assume malignant liver men. A nom -de -film Fajardo was Edward Hamilton.

2011 Fajardo was honored for his career in Nijar.

Filmography (selection)
