Edward Schröder

Edward Schroeder ( born May 18, 1858 in Witzenhausen, † February 9, 1942 in Göttingen ) was a German medievalist germanistischer.

Life and work

Schroeder received his doctorate in German literature and was then since November 1885 as a lecturer at the Faculty of Philosophy, Friedrich- Wilhelms-Universität Berlin operates. He was already ao in January 1887 Professor of German Language and Literature and received Easter 1889 a call to Marburg, where he taught as a professor. He moved in the autumn of 1902 at the Georg-August -Universität Göttingen.

Schroeder has published many medieval texts, so including a collection of smaller narrative poems of Konrad von Würzburg. In its release two old German farces (1919 ) is the farcical verse text contain the evil woman, moreover, was his edition of the Moriz von Craun and " Peter of Staufenberg " in the " Two Old German Rittermaeren " long decisive for the interpretation of Moriz von Craun.

Since 1896, Schroeder was a member of ( philological ) Marburger fraternity Rhine francs. In 1922 he was elected foreign member of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences. In November 1933, he was one of the signatories of the commitment of the professors at German universities and colleges to Adolf Hitler and the Nazi state.
