El Paso Corp.

El Paso Corporation was a company from the United States with headquarters in Houston, Texas. 2011, the El Paso Corporation was acquired by Kinder Morgan.

The company was one of the largest natural gas supplier in North America.

In 1999, El Paso Corporation enlarged by the merger with the company Sonat from Birmingham, Alabama to double.

El Paso Corporation owns a gas pipeline network that stretches from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean in the United States. At the network include the ANR Pipeline Company, Colorado Interstate Gas, El Paso Natural Gas, Southern Natural Gas and Tennessee Gas Pipeline. For El Paso Corporation includes 50 percent of the company Great Lakes Transmission and Florida Gas Transmission

El Paso Corporation employs approximately 6,000 people. The main locations of the company are located in Houston, Texas, Birmingham, Alabama, and Colorado Springs.

The company was founded in 1928 by Paul Kayser.
