El Tigre

El Tigre on the map of Venezuela

El Tigre is a town in the Venezuelan state of Anzoategui. It is the administrative seat for the municipality of Simón Rodríguez. The population amounts to about 275000 people.


When the Spaniards arrived, the area was inhabited by Caribs. On May 1, 1717 recommended that the Commissioner of the church missions from Píritu, Cristóbal de Molina, to the governor and captain-general, José Francisco Carreño set up two Spanish villages on the banks of Lithe or Tigreflusses, on the Guanipa level. He wanted to have a control in the region where hitherto foreign smugglers selling arms to the Indians.

In 1776, asked several Carib families of the Franciscans to establish a mission there. Thus, the Mision San Máximo who did not stay open long but emerged. In 1783 the visitador Luis de Chávez y Mendoza struck the settlement in this area, which until then had failed due to lack of interest of the ranchers Cumanás. In the last decade of the 18th century the Franciscans founded the Indian village of Santa Gertrudis de Tigre. The first monk was Francisco Pérez del Río.

During the Wars of Independence, many independence fighters found shelter in this region.

The Monagas family had several haciendas in the area. In 1840, founded the Spanish landowner Teodoro Falcón Campos, Hacienda El Tigre.

El Tigre began to develop when the first oil fields in the region encouraged the immigration. The official founding of El Tigre took place on 3 February 1923.

  • Place in Anzoategui