Elasmostethus interstinctus

Colorful leaf bug ( Elasmostethus interstinctus )

The Colorful leaf bug ( Elasmostethus interstinctus ) is a showy bug (Heteroptera ) from the family of sting bugs ( Acanthosomatidae ) with vivid green red coloring.

Dissemination and lifestyle

The Colorful leaf bug is spread from Europe to Siberia and is relatively common. She lives mainly on sunlit bushes and deciduous trees especially on birch (Betula ), alder ( Alnus ) and hawthorn (Crataegus ), to the flowers and leaves it sucks. Sometimes it is also found near the bottom of herbs. Hibernation takes place in the adult stage. Their larvae are found from June to August.


The animals reach relatively flat body lengths 9-12 mm. The basic color of early summer animals is usually very intense. The insects are bright green with deep red portions on the pronotum ( pronotum ), the tag ( scutellum ), the forewings ( Hemielytren ) and part of the top of the abdomen. The body top has numerous darker, mostly black dot pits. The yellowish-green feet ( tarsi ) are bipartite. The third member of the five -membered probe is seen from the inside by a quarter shorter than the fourth.

The keel- like extension of the middle chest does not reach the front of the posterior margin of the head. The Colorful leaf bug herein differs from the very similar Shield Bug Shield Bug ( Acanthosoma haemorrhoidale ). Her belly keel is much longer and protrudes through the posterior margin of the head out, back it reaches the middle hips. In addition, the Shield Bug Shield Bug is significantly larger.
