
Elitism is an ideology that is supported by the consciousness of belonging to an elite, and manifests itself in an elitist attitude. It defines itself in contrast to pluralism.

In contrast to the elitist self-understanding and thinking or to elitist life practice of individual personalities, the elitism is an ideological backlash against egalitarianism and populism.

In philosophical context represented, for example, Nietzsche and the George circle a form of elitism.

So it is a write-up in scientific discourse, the adverse consequences of elite developments are described by this term.

In view of the affected subject is called:

  • Aesthetic elitism
  • Ethical elitism

Medium -, macro-and group-specific is called:

  • S corporate elitism
  • National elitism
  • Conservative- bourgeois elitism

With regard to the cultural or political attitudes is called:

  • Kulturoptimistischem or pessimistic elitism
  • Conservative or progressive elitism
  • Anti- democratic elitism