Elizabeth Laird (author)

Elizabeth Laird ( born October 21, 1943 in Wellington, New Zealand) is an English writer.

Laird, who has Scottish ancestors came to England in 1945 as a child, moved to the end of their training first to Malaysia, then to study in Bristol ( BA, 1966), then to Ethiopia. There she worked as an English teacher. In 1972, she received her Master of Arts in Literature at Edinburgh University.

Other life stages were after they had her future husband David Mc Dowell met, India and Iraq, from which it was evacuated during the Civil War to Vienna. 1979, the couple moved with his two sons to Richmond, where both partners living and writing today.

Elizabeth Laird has published over twenty children 's books. Often act the works of the fates English families, but also their experience abroad has Elizabeth Laird processed, such as in Kiss the Dust. The plot of this book is located in Iran and Iraq. It received the 1992 Children's Books Award and was awarded the Dutch Royal Geographical Society Glass Globe Award.

Many of her books have been translated into German.
