Emilio Diena

Emilio Diena ( born June 26, 1860 in Modena, † October 9, 1941 in Rome ) was an Italian jurist and philatelist. He was one of the most important philatelists Italy. He came from a banking family. Several members of his family were also known philatelists.


After 1883/1884, he finished his law studies with a thesis, he worked in the bank of his parents. The bank was forced to close due to economic problems and in 1894 he went to Rome to work as a librarian for the Ministry of Posts and Telegraphs. At the same time he was curator for a Postal Museum. As a philatelist, he wrote several books about ancient Italian States and had profound knowledge in the area. He was also auditor of stamps and philatelic had a large private library. This library cause his descendants to this day and it involves a lot of old rarities.

