Emsdettener Mühlenbach

The Emsdettener mill creek in Emsdetten

The Emsdettener mill creek is a left tributary of the Ems in Emsdetten. It has a length of 19.585 kilometers and a catchment area of ​​107.865 square kilometers.


Multiple source streams, drain the mountain the book in Steinfurt, unite with the irrigated from Altenberg back Schwienebach in Emsdetten - Hollingen to Emsdettener mill creek. The creek crosses the historic Max Clemens channel.

After a few kilometers to the mill stream reaches the city of Emsdetten in the south, flows from here northeast through the city center and flows into the north of the city in the Ems.

The gradient of the stream and led by him, the majority of the year sufficient amount of water allowed on the Emsdettener urban area operating four mills that gave the creek its name.

The mill stream in the context of the Local 2004

As a local project called "Waterways " under the Local 2004 of the formerly straightened Bach was renatured in the urban area of Emsdetten in many parts again applied to his run bike and walking paths and allows immediate access to the water in many places again. In this context, also two new pedestrian bridges were built that connect the easternmost city area close to the city center.

The mouth region of the mill brook was also a more natural state; long term, here in the Emsauen again a natural floodplain forest form.


  • NRW Ministry for Climate Protection, Environment, Agriculture, Conservation and Consumer Protection
  • Regional Association of Westphalia -Lippe
  • Westphalian Heimatbund