Encounter (psychology)

Under Encounter (English for: Encounter) is a set of psychological theories, some forms of pair and group therapy and self-awareness, as well as related movements. The term " Encounter" coined Viktor Frankl.

Encounter Group

Encounter Group is a technical term in psychology and sociology. He refers to a person-centered approach that promotes mutual respect; a scientific basis for this is the actualizing tendency.

Encounter is self- experience, so explore yourself, be confident and grow personally. It involves direct immediate contact with their own feelings and with other people in the here -and-now. EncounterGroups be used to supplement or even accelerating in therapy.

The concrete experiences of this approach fertilize all areas of life: Open and clear perception of verbal and non - verbal messages of others, making conscious of one's own feelings, thereby increasing mutual listening and understanding, stronger relationships between spouses and between generations, and the lowering of crime (one of the Causes of research- psychologists ).

Encounter Movement

Spread worldwide are numerous forms of Encounter movement, eg

  • Integrative movements ( labor and communities of values ​​)
  • Marriage Encounter (Encounter seminars for married couples and partnerships )
  • Own seminars for young people ( for example, JIL )
  • Any resulting loose networks and the like.

Among the most important forms of therapy include Basic Encounter by Carl Rogers, Sensitivity Training, Open Encounter by Will Schutz, Casriel therapy. Primal scream therapy. In encounter groups also experience activating methods of Gestalt therapy, body therapy and out of the theater can be used. Centers of the Encounter Movement were or are the NTL in Bethel ( Maine), Esalen Institute ( California ) and Pune (India) Osho.
