Eng Sérgio Motta Dam

The hydroelectric power plant Porto Primavera (Portuguese: Usina Hidrelétrica Porto Primavera and Usina Hidrelétrica Engenheiro Sérgio Motta ) was built on the Parana on the border of two states in Brazil. The shut-off is between Rosana in São Paulo and Bataiporã in Mato Grosso do Sul, 28 km upstream of the mouth of the Rio Paranapanema in the Parana and below the Três Lagoas - Reservoir. Behind it was a large reservoir, which is one of the largest of the Earth. Its maximum depth is 18.3 m, the average depth of 8.9 m.

Construction on the dam began in the late 1970s. In a first stage in 1998, the water level was raised to 253 m above sea level, in the second stage of 2001 to 257 m. In October 2003, the last of the fourteen turbines went into operation. The 14 Kaplan turbines have a rated power of 112.2 MW at 18 m head and a flow rate of 555 m³ / s Together these are 1570.8 megawatts. The first three were put into operation in 1999. When power ( or maximum power) of the hydroelectric power plant are also given in various sources: 1430, 1540, 1800, 1814.4, or 1815 MW.

The shut-off, a combination of dam from Erdschüttmaterial and gravity dam is, with more than 10 km in length exceptionally long. For the length of the building crown there is the information 10,186, 10,376, 11,380 and 11,835 feet, depending on the source. Also for the building volume ( 37.644 million m³), the storage capacity ( 18,500 mcm ) and the catchment area ( 572,480 km ²), there are alternative information.

The work was frequently interrupted and delayed. The construction costs have increased from the original $ 2.5 billion to 9 billion. This power plant produces electricity very expensive and it delivers because of the unfavorable geographical and hydrological conditions, only a fraction of the amount of energy from Itaipu.
